19 July, 2011

A Good Choice

Matthew just got back from a week long Scout Camp in the High Uintahs's! Matthew's baseball team won in the City Tournament and had a chance to go to the State Tournament-what a GREAT opportunity!! Unfortunately for Matthew it was the same week of Scout Camp!! When we realized this I asked him what do you want to do?? Scout Camp Or State Baseball Tournament? Without any hesitation he said " Mom I am not missing Scout Camp!" I was surprised he loves Baseball but apparently he loves camping more!! His Scout group has been planning this scout camp for over 6 months and he was not going to miss it!! He has a GREAT Scout group!! There are 20 boys and Matthew really enjoys all of them! They are a Special group of kids! Together these 20 boys have helped baptize 2 young men who are now very active and love the gospel!! Matthew came home covered in Mud so was all of his stuff-He had such a good time!! We missed him! I am so PROUD of him-He made the right choice!! Love you Matthew!!

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