26 September, 2011

Our Teenager

It's official we now have a teenager! That would be Matthew-he turned 13 on September 9th. He started the 7th grade this year and really likes it. I have to brag for a minute-What a good kid he is! I was nervous for him and worried he would fall behind-but that is not the case! Sometimes I think my kids are not listening to me but I know they actually are! Matthew just brought home his grades...........can I say Straight A's!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! I love this boy!! I am so proud of him-we have been telling him how important it is to get good grades hopeing he was keeping up-which he is! He has made alot of new friends and just on Saturday got to go to Lagoon-another shocker he went on "Wicked" at Lagoon like 5 times!! He is growing up!! Some of Matthew's favorites this year are-Lego's, Baseball, Basketball, Swimming, Video Games, Scouts (he is the patrol leader of his scout group), Young Mens, Camping, Fishing, Four-wheeling, hanging out with his BFF-Matthew D. and in October he is taking Hunter Safety so he can hunt next year! What an Active Kid he is! For his Birthday he wanted to go to Tucano's with his second family the Desantigo's-they tell me all the time "Matthew is adoptable". We all went to Tucanos with our friends the Desantigo's and had a great time to celebrate both Matthew and Mckay's Birthday's! SO SO proud to be his Mom!! Happy Birthday Matthew!

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