08 October, 2012

School 2012-2013

Its that time of year again......................the dreaded School Year.  Can you tell I'm so Happy about it? I know the kids need to go to school but I really enjoy our summers and am always sad to see them end! This year Matthew went to 8th grade1 I know can you believe it?? They built a new Junior High in Salem- called Salem Junior High that is were he is going. He was nervous because it is a new school and he will have to make new friends. He was also so excited because his BFF Matthew D. was going with him! His friend has been going to a charter school and his parents pulled him out and put him in the new junior high. Matthew was super excited about that-so am I! These two are buddies and I really appreciate there friendship-they are good for each other! Matthew said on his first day at lunch he couldn't find anyone to sit by then he seen a kid from our ward and sat with him and pretty sure there was a whole table of kids from the ward sitting by them! That makes me Happy! In our ward there is a large group of boys Matthew's age (about 14 of them) as his mom I find GREAT comfort in knowing they are all at school together watching out for each other! We are so lucky to have these good influences in Matthew's life! Mckay is in the 5th grade this year.  He actually really enjoys school and was excited for it to start!  Mckay loves to learn and is always sucking it all in! He has kinda come out of his shyness a little bit this year and has done some things that have really surprised me!  He was elected for class President and actually did a chant in front of his whole class. He made it to the final and got second and was kinda bummed he couldn't be the president! His teacher was trying to teach them about the presidential election so this was a big learning experience for him and he loved it! I really am impressed with his teacher this year! Marcus is in the 4th grade and he enjoys school also-he is SUPER social! Every time I go in the School with him EVERYONE knows him and I get alot of  "Are you Marcus Mom?" to funny! Madelynn started Kindergarten! I think that is sad actually! She loves it-and wants to know WHY we have to take Saturday and Sunday off-she wants to got everyday! She is super smart and is learning really fast! That sums up the start of (hopefully) an Amazing school year!

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