31 December, 2010

Snow...Snow And More........Snow!?!?!?

Well I think we have PLENTY of snow this year!! I can't possibly be the only one that thinks ENOUGH ALREADY!! The kids actually had a "snow day" the other day from school. I don't think we have had a snow day in years! On Tuesday the 21 of December we woke up to 21" of snow!! It was CRAZY!! The kids build snow forts and Jake build a snowman with them. They have been sledding several times which we all enjoy. Madelynn is a total daredevil we were all very surprised! We sled over at Peteetnet in Payson just 1 mile away-the whole town sleds there we always run into someone we know! So please Mother Nature I think were good don't you?? Could you be kinder in January? Please??

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