21 January, 2013

Christmas & New Year 2012-13

I've been a slacker when it comes to blogging lately-I will do better! So here is an update about Christmas and New Years. We had a great Christmas spend time with those that matter most. The kids all got spoiled-of course! Some of our favorites this Christmas were- Kindle Fires (3 of us got one), Tablet, I-Pods Lego's, Animal figurines, Barbie's, Girl Lego's, Good food we ate and did I mention LEGO'S?? My kids LOVE Lego's!!  All in all it was great! We spent time with both of our families and on New Years we spent time with our good friends! For New Years we went to our friends the Desantiago's had a GREAT time stayed up late and played Dance Central with the kids! Matthew and Mckay are pretty good little dancers! Love the Holidays!! Here are a few pictures:

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