21 January, 2013

Snow.......Happenings 2013

Well it's snowed a lot in Payson this year!! The other morning we woke up to 20" I couldn't even drive to work-my car would have just got stuck! The roads weren't plowed at 5:30 am so Jake drove me in his BIG 4-Wheel drive and I made it-thank goodness it's like 2 blocks away!! LOL I think this is the most snow we have ever gotten-since we have lived here! Jake had to work in Provo so he took the truck thinking they would have snow........................Nope they got like 2 inches!! We got snow all day that day totaling about 2 feet! It is Crazy cold and we still have all that snow- it seems-feels like we live in Alaska!! I always think its funny that we get so much here in Payson when everyone else gets well...............Nothing! January has been busy-all three boys are playing Basketball. Jake is coaching Matthew's team. Mckay just got over from being really sick-poor guy! He had Strep-throat and when we were at the Dr. office they wanted him to have the pneumonia 13 shot-because last spring he had pneumonia which he got from his asthma issues. I agreed to give him the shot-what a mistake!! He had and some kind of reaction to the shot 2 minutes after they gave it to him in the Dr. Office. He was having a hard time breathing-it was scary. We waited 30 minutes and he was much better. The next day his whole shoulder swelled up huge-and red. He missed School for a whole week! Poor kid! Glad that's behind us! Looking forward to Warmer weather and Healthy kids- Hopefully that happens before July!!!! LOL

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