12 May, 2013

What's Happening?

Since I have been a slacker at blogging I thought I would do a quick update. Since January it has been crazy and busy busy around here! All three boys played basketball-on three different teams-yeah-that was fun! Jake coached Matthew's team which was a good experience for Matthew and Jake. Marcus loves basketball and had a great season-he got to play with his two buddies Nico and Ethan. Mckay also had a great season-He is our "athletic" one- not only is he good at soccer but he is amazing at basketball! He enjoys them both- he is super fast and can dribble and run very fast at the same time-one of his games he scored 16 points! He is amazing! Now that it's Spring we are even busier- I  thought when  I didn't have toddlers anymore things would SLOW down- boy I was wrong! This week we have had a total of 7 games- That's alot!- 3-Soccer and 4 baseball-WOW. Mckay is wrapping up his Soccer season-which has been amazing! Mckay's team Brazil plays tonight for the final-they are currently ranked #1- in there league-they play #2 tonight for the final- it's going to be a tough game-they can do it! We have all kinds of School projects due-because it's the end of the year. Madelynn will graduate from Kindergarten-wwhhooo!  Matthew has been working SO hard on getting his Eagle- he has a project he is trying to get approved- This is not an easy task! Matthew also just had his last Orchestra Concert of the year. We just have A LOT going on! For me Work has been very stressful lately-I have come to realize that people are not always as they say they are- and being hurt by someone you trusted-and thought highly of- really hurts! I took a leave from work for a week and it was nice. Jake is as busy as ever- which is nice and hard all at the same time! We love the work but we miss him! So with all that being said- We are super excited this week to be taking a much needed brake from life! We are headed to St. George the end of the week to have some down time! Yeah for us! The kids are so Excited! We rented a condo for 4 days with our good friends the De Santiago's and are excited to spent time with them! It will be hot-but we are perfectly happy to sit and relax by the pool all day-and enjoy being lazy! Can't wait! We can't wait for Summer-when school is out!

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