10 May, 2013

Marcus is 10!

Marcus turned the BIG 10! On April 12th we celebrated Marcus 10th Birthday! We got Marcus this basketball- Arcade game for his Birthday which he loves and plays all the time! On his Birthday I checked him out to take him to lunch for his special day- He asked me "Can Mckay come?" I had teary eyes! I said "absolutely" and we went and checked Mckay out! I can't believe he is 10-he is growing up so fast.Marcus enjoys soccer, baseball and basketball, playing with friends and playing video games! This year Marcus is in the 4th grade and it has been a tough year-he has had some struggles! I admire him so much- he works so hard to get all his assignments done and I know it's not easy for him. I would probly give up but he just keeps at it. We are learning that writing and hand coordination is difficult for him-this breaks my heart-as his mom I want him to succeed in everything he does! He is taking some Physical Therapy to help with what seems to be muscle weakness. Marcus amazes me daily- he is a very special young man! He is always Happy and is always smiling. Mckay and Marcus are best friends-I am so thankful for this! Yes they do fight, but they always seem to have each others back. I am so thankful for Marcus threw him I am learning patience and endurance- Ooohhh how I love this boy! He has such a sweet and kind spirit! Happy Birthday Marcus- we are so proud of you!

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