08 May, 2012


Today May 8th Mckay competed in the 4th grade Hershey's Track Meet.  The Track meet is held at Payson High every year in the spring on different days they have different grades and 7 elementary schools all compete.  This is such a fun event my kids love it-it is one of the things we love about Nebo School district the opportunity to do things like this. Macrus competed last week and he did great he made it to the semi-finals and then got out. He was super excited to just compete. Today Mckay competed and he lived up to his nickname "Speedy".  He is Super fast and on his soccer teams nobody can beat him in a race.  Today he raced the 50 meter and made it to the semi finals-came in first and then made it to the final were he came in fourth!  He did GREAT he raced 7 different schools and got 4th! He is truly speedy! I was so impressed! Love my BOYS!  Congrats Marcus and Mckay!

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