11 May, 2009

Mothers Day Thoughts

It was a great Mothers Day for me! I have the BEST kids ever!! I just wanted to share because they were so darn cute! Jake took the boys to the store on Friday to get me something for Mothers day- I got to have a night out- that was fun! (I went to Tocanos with my sister and mom for a mothers day dinner-thanks girls!) Anyway the kids had a few ideas for me which were so cute I had to share- Marcus said I needed a new pillow so I can get better sleep!! LOL Less kids would = better sleep!! Marcus also said I needed some more dresses to go to the temple, because I look so pretty when I go to the temple. Mckay said I needed more necklaces and flowers- because girls like that stuff!!(he already has it figured out) Matthew said "Mom needs her own pack of gum!" Which is funny because I am always complaining that they steal all of my gum!! (that surprised me because maybe my kids actually do listen to me!?!?) Anyway they decided on a new Bike! Which I love! They were so cute about it all day Saturday it was all they could do from telling me because they were all so excited!! They were so excited to go on a bike ride with me- and to top it all off Marcus rode his bike for the first time with no training wheels!! All in all I have such a great family!! I am Lucky to be the mom to these 4 great kids!!