29 March, 2010

A Quick Update

Here are a bunch of posts! We have been pretty busy and this is what we have all been up to lately!

Abe Lincoln And Basketball

It has been a busy couple of months for us! Matthew has been pretty busy-he has had basketball, science fair, wax museum, and scouting pow-wow's. He loved playing basketball and was even more excited that he got to be on his best friends team. It was alot of fun-this is the first year he tried basketball and he liked it better then baseball. We will definatley be doing that again. He was a pretty good player-being one of the tallest helped with that!! LOL He also had to do the Wax Museum. That was alot of fun! He had to pick a Historical figure and memorise a 2 minute speech about that person and then dress up like him. He chose good old "Honest Abe". I took a few pictures of him and his friend Zach who was Bill Clinton. Parents were invited to come see all the kids and listen to there speech. It was alot of fun! Good job Matthew!!

Mighty Marcus

Marcus had a school play the other day-it was so cute!! He got to be a Dragon which he loved and even had a small speaking part. He was very excited and did such a great job. It was the cutest play I have ever been to- one of those "Priceless" moments I enjoy with my children!! Good job Marcus!

Sleeping Beauty

One evening I lost Madelynn........................were or were could she be???????? I looked EVERYWHERE and was starting to feel a little panic. I thought what if she got outside and is half-way across the neighborhood (needless to say she has done that before!!)thank goodness I have patient neighbors! There was a large lump in my bed and that is were I found her after 20 minutes of looking...................my very own Sleeping Beauty! She did not have a nap that day and apparently needed one! I had to take a quick picture it was cute-she finds herself many a nights in my bed-unfortunately for me!! What a silly girl I have!!

Smarty Pants Mckay!

I had to put a picture of Mckay in here somewhere!! What a GREAT boy he is!! He is very smart and very kind. He did basketball but it was "Mickey Mouse" basketball. They just taught them how to play and then they got to play two games. He loved it and can't wait to play "REAL" basketball next year!! Mckay is very competitive and loves to try new things. I did not take any pictures of him playing (mostly because I was a slacker and Jake went go to all his practices with him) Next year I will get some!!

Jake's Fabulous Winter Campout!

Jake took his Priests on a GREAT winter camp out!! I say that because afterward they decided not to do that again!! Jake HATES being cold-it was 8 degrees when they woke up. His partner and him agreed not to do a repeat unless they are required to!! Pretty funny! They had a good time- as much fun as you can have in VERY cold weather-here are a few pictures: Can you believe the snow height? They actually slept in those "Snow Caves."

24 March, 2010

Birthday Time!

Happy Birthday to Jake!! It's Birthday time at our house it all starts with Jake then Me then Madelynn and then Marcus. So here is a quick Birhtday post for Jake! Hope you have a good Birthday we all love you-you are one of the BEST parts of our family!! Love You!