14 July, 2010

Poor Minnie!!

Madelynn is the worst Minnie torturer of the bunch!! But the dog still likes her?!??!!

We have been watching my parents dog for a few weeks while they are in Alaska. What an experience that has been!! The poor dog has been bugged and chased and chased some more! I bet when Minnie (dog) goes home she will sleep for days!!! She is often found hiding under beds or in my closet or wants out-away from all of our craziness!! She is use to sleeping alot and it being quiet and no kids to bug her. I REALLY feel for the poor tortured dog. My kids have been wanting a dog for years-I don't think so!!! I am so glad she is such a good dog-no accidents, no biting (trust me I would bite) and very little barking. So Mom, although we truly enjoyed having Minnie I am so glad you will be home to relieve her of my children!!!! LOL

Just Playing Around..................................

We have had a great Summer!! I can't believe it is half over-in fact it makes me sad!! I love laid back lazy summer days!! It has been a little crazy around here lately!! Jake just got back from Youth Conference and had a Great time-He even had to speak about it in sacrament Sunday! I must say he gave a great talk and everyone told him what a good leader he is!! (the secret is out-Jake is a GREAT guy!!) Today he is off to Zions to hike the Narrows with his Teachers! Then he will be back Saturday and Matthew is leaving Monday for a week long Scout Camp at Maple Dell. Then we will be headed out camping over the weekend-does it ever end?? But really I can't wait!! I am excited for Matthew and nervous all at the same time- a whole week away what will we do without him??? I know he will have a great time! OOHHH he is growing up!! Anyway for the 4th we went camping and had a blast-we had a a big crowd-13 children and a bunch of adults. We ate and fished, and 4-wheeled and hiked, shot BB Guns, sat around the camp fire until 1 am and ate some more and took afternoon naps-it was fun! My favorite way to spent the fourth-away from all the craziness and with my Amazing family and friends!! I love our Country and appreciate all the sacrifices for our freedom!! Happy fourth!